you will never leave where you are
until you know where you had rather be

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Run for your lives. The Chinese A-levels are coming. The good news is that it is not too late to take the easy way out and jump off a building. The bad news is that it is probably too late if you are not nearly done preparing for it. Curse all you people that do not take H1 Chinese. I hope you realize that you are having a holiday at the expense of the rest of the weaker students/ students who insist on taking it again to improve from A2 to a solid A.

This feeling of hopelessness is a familiar one. It is like knowing that you have to do something, but you know that anything you do will probably make it worse, and even doing nothing would not be any good for the situation. A riddle with no answer. Why am I even trying?

xw 7:35 AM

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Why does my mum keep telling me to pack up my room? I do not think its that messy yet. There are certain advantages in living in a messy room. For one, your things are automatically arranged in chronological "order". The more recent materials would be on top of the pile, and the ancient items would form the base of the pile. Can your neatly arranged bookshelf do that, huh? Huh?

Also, a messy environment is one that promotes calmness. If your room is really neat, you would feel pressured to keep it neat, and thus be constantly on the look out for threats of potential mess, just like a neurotic person would. A messy room on the other hand, promotes carefreeness which would translate into a more well developed person.

Mess promotes privacy. It is a deterrence for any one who might consider invading your room. The mess would hurt the intruder's eyes, allowing you to quickly swoop in a push him out of your room while he is stunned for a couple of seconds. On the chance that he is not really affected by the mess, at least you can hide stuff that you do not want people to see under your mountain of worksheets or whatever. Ninja.

Lastly, a messy room gives you more class. Someone who is not familiar with your room would not be able to find anything. But you on the other hand, would know more or less where to get everything you need. This makes your room exclusive to you, kind of like a club. Classy, no? Of course there is a chance that you get lost in the mess too. That can be quite troublesome at times, but thats the price you have to pay for all the advantages of a messy room.

Ever wondered how your general paper essay would look like if you slept for the first hour and 25 minutes only to find that you have 5 minutes left to complete your paper? Wonder no more! Here are the model answers for your 5 minutes essays that the school have failed to provide.

1. Consider the value of play
Play. It is an important part of all our lives, regardless of our age, race, language of religion. Many would think that play is only for young children, but it is actually proven that adults like to play too. However, how does relaxation translate into value?

When we are young, we play to bond with our friends. It might seem like a pointless activity, and the time might appear to be better spent on studying for your grades to get that paper qualification. Guess what? In the real world, networking is really important, and playing with your friends today, be it DotA, basketball, or Taptap Revolution, is actually an investment for the future.

As we grow older, we also have to play to keep healthy and active. Studies have shown that elderly that plays intellectual games like mahjong actually have less chances of getting senile as they are constantly stimulating their minds.

In conclusion, play is good.

xw 7:21 AM

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The days drag on and on. I was expecting an era of slacking once the promos are over. In primary school, we are allowed to bring our board games and play them during school hours after the exams. Sigh, those were the carefree days where major examinations need not be worried over. In secondary school, we did not have anything to study after the end-of-years. It was just a week or so of paper checking and relaxation. Classes would be spent doing whatever we felt like, which includes sprawling on desks and going to sleep. But now, we are faced with normal lectures, normal tutorials, normal everything. It is almost as if we never finished the promos, except that we actually did go through all that agony. I hate the new start late end late system.

Admittedly, the general mood around school has gone from crazy mugging mode (I am excluding all the year twos here) and into an ambiance with a great deal of relaxation, a good amount of apathy, a pinch of contentment and a dash of disappointment. This is the sort of environment where tutorials flop and CCAs thrives. Today, I went for bridge club training to try to get our new improved signals straight. Of course, fate had it that we declared over and over again, and on the few occasions that we are not, the contract was so cold that it was not even funny. After my partner left for some scouts jungle hike thing, the bridge stopped and the "big fish small fish" started. There is something seriously retarded about this game, but there is something else about it that makes it so enjoyable. After about an hour of playing it, I have identified the underlining source of entertainment for the game to be the part where you laugh at someone for screwing up.

Also, it happens to be Leonard's birthday tomorrow. Happy birthday Leonard!

xw 6:14 AM

Monday, October 26, 2009

Life is sad when you are the bringer of bad news.

Today is simply a fantastic day. As planned, I went to Bugis to complete my model for our group item, and as expected, I was faced with many unhappy members when I broke the news to them. What is so surprising about having to go back again when no one wants to go back on the last day? If everyone cannot come/refuses to come/cannot be bothered to come, obviously we have to do it another day. Oh well, I am used to unhappy faces of people and showers of complaints already. A few more on my record will not hurt me.

Results day was mildly sad. Well, I did do pretty well for some subjects, I am actually quite content with my results actually. However, the fun began when I decided to tell my mum my results. Instead of telling her all the subjects but Chinese, I foolishly reminded her I took Chinese. Screw, I was so close to secretly dropping Chinese. She might have even forgotten that I ever took that evil subject. Anyway, she got pretty jumpy that I got a less than remarkable 'S'.

"Huh? You failed Chinese? Do you know when your A-level Chinese is? Next year right?"
"You mean you do not even know when your Chinese test is? It is much closer than you think."
"Well, about that..."
"You better use the next few months to fix up your Chinese before you get rejected by society."
"Actually mum, its next week."

For those people living in Singapore, if you heard a faint explosion at about 11PM, 26th October 2009, it was probably my mum exploding into panic rage mode. Thank goodness it did not last too long.

xw 8:33 AM

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The result release date draws near. All fear the impending doom.

Well, it is comforting (for some) to know that there is nothing we can do at this juncture. Instead of going into fury panic mugging mode like we all did during the start of the promos, the prospect of getting our results back does not bring us any of such pain and suffering. For those who are going to go into premature depression tomorrow, try looking at it this way. Either you get depression on Monday or you do not. So why throw yourself into depression one day early, or even worse, go through one day of depression for nothing?

What ever the case, I am finally out of the angry SCBA lady's "Must Improve" list. With great skill, Yanwei and I went through 24 boards with no more than 3 bidding buns and declaring explosions each. This actually got us 6th last, which is like, 12th. Go us!

xw 8:07 AM

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Two days ago, we had a expedition to Bras Basah to find materials to make a model on our own. We art not the most artistic bunch of people. Okay, I can only speak for myself and I know that my future does not lie in art, but my group mates all chose a science combination too. Even in my most optimistic attitude, I knew that any attempt to make a model of Matilda House would be doomed to failure. Not just normal failure, but failure so new and groundbreaking that it makes my Chinese grade look like a pass.

However, fate had plans and we ended up in a shop that sells trees. These nice looking model trees are so real that they actually photosynthesize. The store owner offered us help in our modelling attempt and told us to return on Wednesday where he would set up a small workplace for us outside his shop where we can seek his help whenever we got stuck.

So today, we were there with the plans for the model in our hands. Obviously, we knew nuts about what to do, so he taught us the basics; how to use the materials.

Magic wood - You know how ionic compounds are hard and brittle? Well, this magic wood is soft and sturdy! A good slash or two with a trusty pen-knife and you have a nice clean cut across the wood. Slash lightly and you can like, bend the wood along its little hinge. This wood is impossible to break with your bear hands. Fine, it is not really impossible, but we did not try.

Magic water - This weird liquid is like glue, but not quite. When you apply it to your skin, it quickly evaporates. But when you apply it to magic wood, the pieces of wood stick together. They really stick, and it takes effort to take them back apart. You can even drop the "glued" structure and it would not break into its little components. Upon exertion of large force, the wood will come apart, and lose all effects of the magic water. Drinking this may cause death.

Mysterious L-shaped metal - Ever wondered how to make sure you cut something at exactly 90 degrees? Well, this is your answer. Much more effective then your normal set-square. After using this for a day, I wonder why we have never used this in any physics practical sessions.

Perfectly normal vernier caliper - Handy tool. Measures with great accuracy and can even remember lengths for you. Be careful not to stab the person beside you with the pointy end.

As of now, our model is only half done. Surely but steadily it is taking shape. We might even be able to complete it on our next meeting with him...

xw 6:33 AM

Monday, October 19, 2009

If you are intending to have a Project Work meeting at 9am the next day, I strongly suggest that you do no sleep at 4 in the morning. It just does not work that way, and you are doomed to oversleep. Doomed I tell you. When Bryan woke me up today, he told me that it was 9 already. It took me 3 seconds to realize that I am supposed to be in Punggol, 2 more seconds to notice that I am not in Punggol, and 1 second after that to glance at the clock and noticed that it was not 9. It was 9:30. This was followed by mad rushing and confusion, which shall remain a blur in my mind.

Halfway through the day, I noticed that my body was surviving on almost nothing. I have had about 5 hours of sleep, and eaten a burger from Macs and a garlic bread. Nothing else. It is a wonder I am still alive. I am not even sleepy or hungry now, it is almost as if my body is living on tomorrow's food and sleep. Excuse me if I spend the whole of tomorrow sleeping and eating only. Oh well, maybe I should bring some mooncakes to school to prevent that from happening. Go condensed calories! Go forth and do me proud.

On a separate note, I was partnering a friendly guy for SCBA today. The angry lady told me that if I did not improve by 5% today, she would... wait, there was not end to the threat, but I imagine it is a horrible way to end my bridge life. Luckily for me, it all went quite well, very few mistakes and a lot of good playing. Looks like the angry lady cannot kick me out this week. Life is good.

xw 8:17 AM

Friday, October 16, 2009

It is the second day of the long weekend. According to Kenneth, they are bringing both the Guitar Freaks and Drum Mania Machine back to the Hougang Mall arcade. Being as serious about GFDM as he is, Kenneth decided to send an email to the arcade at Hougang Mall telling them how popular the machine actually is and what a big mistake they are making by removing it. Well, apparently they take consumer's opinions very seriously and we have the machine back! No more going down all the way to Yishun, yay!

Now that Hougang Mall promises to reduce the boredom time during the holidays, I might as well finish off the last of it by buying more games for my Wii. That way, when the holidays end, I would not have studied a thing and I would be totally confused and explode at the "Welcome Back to School Exam". I think they are releasing 2D Mario for the Wii. Super Mario Galaxy 2 has also been announced, but there is no release date as of now, and it is highly unlikely it would be here by this year. I am also still in need of a shooter that is fun. If anyone knows of a good shooting game for the Wii, please let me know about it.

Junior College life is the longest thing I have ever experienced. I cannot wait for it to be done, so that I can actually do whatever I want to do, instead of having to think about it and realize that I still have about a good one year to go.

xw 9:31 AM

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dry-run today. Not going to post about it though, it was just a normal dry run. Nothing interesting. In fact, some might even say it is mundane. The only thing remotely special about today was that it ended really early. We had the privilege of presenting before the other half of the class, which means we get to go home really early. Still, I wonder how the presentations of the other three groups went.

Yesterday was the flooding of negative emotions for me. It went downhill after frisbee training and never went back up, until today morning. I was feeling really angry, irritated, stressed, and even a bit jealous. How all these feelings came about I cannot remember, but it was horrible. I think it had something to do with Project Work. Nothing good can come out of Project Work. Nothing at all. This subject is what they teach at school in hell. I can imagine the evil sent by lucifer in the form of Project Work.

"Go forth PW, and bring desperation and dispair to the students on earth. Friends shall become enemies, and there shall be blood and gore during every group discussion. Muahahaha kekeke fufufu!"

Hence, the evils of Project Work scurried through the depths of the earth and came to be. I hope you feel happy lucifer, now that you have brought doom upon all of us.

xw 7:39 AM

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

5 minutes and 40 seconds. For the third time in a row. After practicing over and over again for my oral presentation, I have came to the realization that no matter how faster you talk, there is simply no way you can cut down the time you talk to cover all your content by more then a pathetic couple of seconds. Of course this is assuming you do not talk as slowly as a politician at a national day rally speech.

Our slides looks pretty good to me, but I know that in days to come, I would see many other powerpoint presentations that are even more ascetically pleasing. I would have to resist the inferiority complex that might come with that. I know that we have all worked really hard for this project, every single group. Not every single person of course, but every group would have about the same aggregate hardworkingness. It is not about how nice the slides look, it is also about how well the presentation goes, and I am really confident that our presentation would be great.

Yanwei and I got last place for SCBA on Monday. He is improving really fast though, no more 5 hearts from the darkness. We had a good chance of coming in second last, but I had my share of buns towards the final few boards. My brain really does not have much stamina. Hopefully the stamina would come with time, just as it does for other sports. Okay maybe bridge is not a sport, but it really is quite demanding to play it through a bad cough.

xw 6:15 AM

Sunday, October 11, 2009

After a day of oral presentation rushing, I decided that it would be good to go out for some fresh air. After all, a little time outside the house would remind me of how my estate looks like now, and maybe even do some good to my respiratory system. Curse you dry cough.

Surprises of all surprises, my estate looks almost exactly the same. Almost. Recently, there is some crazy neighborhood renovation going on. They are removing grass where no grass was needed and replacing in with good old concrete. Who needs greenery when you can have expand the pavement so that the occasional passerby would have space to walk. Actually, it is not too bad, it does make the place look much clearer and to a certain extent more modern. I noticed that street lights have spawned too. Not the lamp post for the cars to drive at night without ramming onto the curbs every five seconds. A real street light where detectives can put their hands in the pockets of their brown trench coat while wondering who killed Tim, or where passionate couples could make out in the middle of the night while still being visible enough for everyone to watch.

Besides the extended pavements and street lights, the shops have changed too. A few months ago, the florist disappeared into oblivion. How a florist cum cafe dissipate into darkness I would never understand, but economics tells me that they are unable to even cover their variable cost. That must suck for them. Now the only type of flowers I can buy around here is back to flowers for prayers. And I am not even remotely religious. I guess even the income from selling sandwiches and orange juice is not great enough to cover the loss from growing roses and sunflowers. No wonder flowers are so expensive when they are in demand, it seems like it is really hard to be a florist. The profits you get from Valentines day, Mothers day and Teachers day had better get you through the rest of the year.

As the old shops goes, some new shops comes too. Apparently there is another clinic opening nearby. The third one within 200 meters radius actually, and the fourth one if you are willing to walk down a little more. With four doctors so close to my house, I can get different medical certificates from different clinics if I ever need to feign sickness to skip anything. That means I can skip four days in a row without having them recognise me from before. I still have to pay four times the consultation fees to do that though, not really worth it.

The shop in the Cursed Corner is also finally gearing up for business. This shop is located in a place with the worst Feng Shui in the neighborhood. Many businesses have came and gone, I cannot even remember what it was five years ago. I vaguely remember a Indian restaurant there a few years back, but it was not making enough money. Proof that it is really the location of the store that caused its down fall is that there is currently an Indian coffee shop thriving right beside where it used to be. Hmmm, fishy. Anyway, this space has been up for rent for months now, and now some brave (or uninformed) soul has decided to take up the challenge. The for sale signs has been torn down and some equipment can be seen though the glass panels. It looks like we will be getting another bakery. Any bets on how long the new bakery is going to survive?

I also noticed that construction is happening at the mysterious plot of land between the NTUC and the lemon chicken rice coffee shop (the coffee shop selling lemon chicken rice, for those who are unable to tell from the name). This plot of land has under gone construction works over and over again. The first time it got fenced up, we all wondered what was going to be built. Tada! It was a playground. Not long after that, it was fenced up again and boom, the playground was gone. Every time it underwent construction from then, they were just building paths. Not better paths, different paths. I do not even know what is the point of continuously changing the paths you are going to have there. Just let the humans walk out a path on the grass for goodness sakes, stop inconveniencing us and wasting tax payer's money. This time, it looks a little more promising. They have summoned the big monstrous ground digging machines that would strike fear even in Bob's (the builder) heart. Only time will tell what happens to the plot of land now, since the magic eight ball can only answer yes-no questions.

xw 5:34 AM

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Today is a day of great victories. I have defeated the evil virus from Kenneth. Now all we have to do is wait for a couple of days and Yensen would be sick, after which I would be able to laugh at him from close up. Everyone else would have to laugh at him from far. Not that it would make much of a difference anyway.

The rat king has also been defeated today. Somehow it is so much easier to kill it when you know when you can attack without having him gobble up half your army in one fell swoop. Thank goodness the completionist side of me is not really active now, or I would be playing the whole game again on tyrant mode. That would leave me very little time to worry about oral presentation.

Speaking of which, the great organizer that I am have managed to initiate a meeting tomorrow, so that my group can finish preparing the slides, finish deciding who presents what, finish preparing what to say, finish discussing about the group item, and finish preparing the group item. Admittedly, this agenda is a little more than our usual slack and inefficient meeting agendas, but what has to be done will be done. Our school decide to give us so little time to prepare for our dry run that its not even funny. Why do they deny us of our time? It is a ploy be them to trigger panic mode so that we work harder. After the dry run, we would still be in panic mode because we realize how bad it went (due to time constraints) and the frenzy would keep up. All the way up to a few days before the real thing, we would probably have been in panic mode through out. Who would have thought that the institution would have came up with such a sneaky plan. By the time 10th November comes, we would probably all be able to present while doing a handstand juggling 3 bean bags with our feet.

The time has come to hardcore bridge with my regular partner Yanwei. Hopefully, by playing on Bridge Base Online at Singapore Contract Bridge Association repeatedly, we would be able to be so good by next year that we can actually take part in the competitions. Like the real competitions where our honor and glory is at stake. But before any of that can happen, I guess I would have to start learning all the random stuff that I have been putting off. Oh a separate note, me and Yensen got 4th last at SCBA last night. Great achievement. It is almost as if I am starting to steer away from getting last all the time.

xw 1:24 AM

Thursday, October 8, 2009

I feel so weak. Throat inflamed and nose runny, who knows what made me decide to drag myself down for a talk on Project Work oral presentation. Just when I was ready to relax, I am reminded that a presentation that weighs about 40% of the importance of Project Work. There is a need to prepare the slides by this weekend. That does not even look nearly like a sufficient amount of time.

On top of a normal standard presentation that we are all familiar with, we are also given five minutes for a group item. From what I gathered while fighting to stay alive in today's briefing, we could do puppet shows, skits or videos. No song and dance? Why do they not like song and dance? From the examples of group items available, it is evident that groups who chose emergency would be having a clearer cut on what their skit/show would be on. Obviously they would have the option of enacting the emergency, followed by the solutions proposed. And if they are really fast actors, they could even throw in what might happen without the implementation of their suggested plans as well, just for contrast.

Every night from now, just before I fall asleep, I would have to assign some time to think creatively. Maybe some ideas will hit me then. Sigh, if this keeps up, I would have so much things to think of before I sleep that I need to go to bed at 11pm. Time to organize another Project Work meeting...

I look at her from a row back, thinking, wondering, speculating. If actions speaks louder than words, why is it that I still cannot hear them clearly? She turns and our eyes met for a split second. My eyes quickly darted back to the speaker.

xw 9:57 PM

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The promos ended. The day of the final paper is always the celebration day. After the students get released from the clutches of the last paper, they would regroup into their respective cliques. After which, they would talk briefly about the paper. Really briefly. A paper usually throws the students into a state so receptive to discussions that they could be talking about a question for hours at best. But for the last paper, this discussion time is shortened to minutes, before one wise person from the clique says: "Hey, lets relax! The promos are over!"

Then it is time to celebrate the passing of the examinations. Unlike medieval time, failure to slay the dragon would mean that the dragon still haunts the village. No celebrations for that. But for a modern society, whether we are faced with failure or not, mere passing of a trail warrants a day of relaxation, where everyone tries to remember why life is worth living.

In my case, I went to the nearest arcade known to Kenneth that has a GFDM machine. What happened after we reached there was a blur, but I do recall people getting injured from playing to enthusiastically. I also recall Yensen getting owned in some ancient version of Street Fighter. Amidst all these events, I cannot help but wonder what would have happened if I had made other choices, and went other places. Whatever the case, I am glad that the mugging madness is finally over.

xw 9:06 PM

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I had designed to post about the Chemistry paper yesterday, but I was too busy getting owned by the final boss of Little King's Story. Following that, there was a little bit of bridge and it was topped of with some Mario Kart Wii. After that, I was this close to sitting down to type something, but my conscience suddenly spawned in front of me and I was consumed with guilt 2 seconds later.

Preparing for Mathematics examinations always makes me feel insecure. If I decide to practice early, I would feel really confident because I would be under the impression that time is on my side. However, when it comes to the day before the test, I would start getting really stressed. Pressured by my own expectation to perform, I would get a boding feeling that my doom is impending. But surely enough, the Math paper would come and I would be able to answer everything on time. Whether the paper is done accurately or not is another issue.

Anyway, the Chemistry paper was manageable. It was a good thing that I learnt about time issues during the last papers a few months back. This time, I started from section C, and moved down through B to A. What that achieved was that instead of being forced to leave 20 marks blank like I did in the common tests, the time imposed on me only serve to give me a single minute for my multiple choice questions. I did the easiest looking question on the first page in about twenty seconds. The answer was C. Just like I suspected. C is statistically (statistics taken from non-reliable sources) the most frequent answer. With that in mind, I spent the remaining time shading C for all my options. Fingers crossed, but inspection of the question paper shows that I should be getting about five marks. That is not too bad at all.

I would have to hold my comments for the Math paper though. Two things might happen when I get my paper back. I would either attain gloating rights for getting on the deans list, or my exam script could burst into a confetti of angst. Either way, it is going to be an emotional moment. It is a bit like professing your love for someone. Whatever the outcome, you get all the internal drama.

Finally, the final lap. Once tomorrow is over, I can stop thinking about the promotional exams and start working on project work once again. The fun really never stops coming. My sources also tells me that I have a year of tests and examinations waiting for me in 2010. But why destroy the present with problems of the future? It is time to celebrate! Oh wait, I almost forgot. We shall dine with carefree hearts and spirits tomorrow. Except for you humanities students.

xw 2:24 AM

Sunday, October 4, 2009

When you are toggling between studying to get promoted and playing fragments of games to find some hope to live again, it is rare that you would be able to find time to look around you. And when I managed to do so today, I was amazed by what a mess my house is in. Surprisingly enough, the places that are messy are that way because of me. I am the maker of mess.

In front of me lies a pile of nonsense which has been there since the computer came. Things that goes on my computer desk never leaves. Unless they happen to drop on the floor of course, in which case they might be picked up and transfered to the table behind me, where they will really never leave. It is like mess heaven. You spawn on the computer desk, as a mortal mess, and when your time has come, you will fall into the unknown, only to find yourself in mess heaven where you can meet your ancestors once again.

Of course these are not the only concentration of mess that I have made. There is one on my sofa, where my bags, files, water bottles and graphic calculator lives. Ever since the exams started, they have invaded the sofa for my convenience, and it shall remain that way until my sister finally complains about not being able to sit on it.

On my desk sits two mountains of stuff from school that I never use, and will probably never use. Some examples of the hermit mess that lives on this pair of mountains includes my Chinese notes and all the Ten-year series that I have bought. One day, when I decide that I need to call upon the help of the hermits, I would move them back to the mess in front of my computer, where they can spend the rest of their lives.

The last area of mess is right beside my bed. Whenever I am doing something right before I sleep, I would just dump it there when I get tired. The sad thing is that they probably get stepped on the next morning. The sadder thing is that I probably will not pick them up. At least I make sure that I do any art and craft thing with a scissors and a pen knife right before I sleep.

xw 6:46 AM

Friday, October 2, 2009

The last of the essays are over. With both Chinese and Economics out of the way, we only have the Sciences ahead of us. From now, when someone asks me how the paper went, I do not have to give some dubious answer on whether I thought the paper was easy or hard, I could actually state if I could answer all the questions or not.

As expected, there was not enough time to do the Economics essay once again. I sure hope that by the time we get to the A-levels, we would have been train to write at some superhuman lightning speed. I looked at the 3 essay questions offered and intermediately chose the first two, them being the most direct questions. Halfway into the test, I realized that I lost half my time already, and was still nowhere near concluding my first essay. With great speed, I quickly wrapped up, moved on to the next essay, and tried my best to finish it properly. Of course I failed, hasty conclusion, and a massive amount of points that I should have mentioned. A sweat formed on my brow from all the work my hand did, but it quickly froze into an ice block and fell on the table with a soft "ping".

The redemption came during the case study. I really think that I actually answered all the questions correctly, with the exception of the one asking you to derive the price elasticity of demand from the graph. I might actually pass Economics for the first time in the history of the world. But it being Economics, no matter how good I feel about the paper, there is a chance that I get back my papers and realized I got about five marks from zero.

Then Chinese came and destroyed me. Not because the paper was hard, it was more like my hatred for the language is so deep that I felt like I was being forced to do something sinister by doing the paper. It rends my soul. This feeling reminded me of how I would have to feel in a few months when the real thing comes, and how I had better pass it so they would allow me to drop Chinese. I will not miss it, and neither will it miss me. It is actually quite surprising that I can still write a proper essay with time to spare, so that I can try to read what I wrote, before realizing that I does not make much sense. I did not even bother to check for spelling errors, those six marks were lost long before the test started. So it was just twenty minutes of stoning for me. One minute from the next paper, Hongrui was still furiously writing his last lines, Yanwei pulled his jacket over his head and sprawled himself all over the desk, and the teachers all lined up neatly in front of each row, equipped with paper 2. What happened after that was just a blur to me, but the passage that I identified would come out really did come out. Not that it made a difference, since I did not do anything about it. I also remember something about doors, foxes and running out of time, but I cannot care less.

Oh well, I guess it is time to do the last preparations for the Sciences. There is no smoking when it comes to them.

xw 9:36 PM

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The first of the promos is over. Only a few more to go. It all started at 8am today, where we marched our information cramped brains from the lockers to the multi-purpose hall. I learnt that two purposes of the multi-purpose halls are for examination uses and for freezing students for the heck of it.

The general paper essay was pretty good. I managed to write something that I find somewhat structured, valid and sound, all at the same time. There is a good chance that this essay would be the highest scoring general paper essay I have ever written. I looked through the questions and quickly canceled off the questions that I knew that I could not do. These questions are those the others would specialize in, and be equipped with a whole multitude of relevant examples and information. I cannot risk having the other student's outstanding essay dwarf my own essay can I? After a quick mental elimination of all media, politics, relationship, science, arts and weird questions, I was left with two options. I could try writing about play, or do one about economics. Hmmm, considering that I was studying economics for the past few days, it was not really surprising that I chose the latter.

Then the comprehension paper came. As I was reading through the passages and questions, I could hear the brains of other candidates exploding into thousand pieces, through the silence of the examination hall. I knew it would be my turn to moment I attempted the questions. You know you are screwed when you cannot understand what the questions are looking for, fail to recognize most of the words asked for the vocabulary section and find yourself unable to think of any examples for your application question. Ah, I was so close to scoring a decent mark for general paper finally. I feel like a Mario that have finally cleared all the maps in the first world only to get owned by Bowser at the end of it all.

What is done is done, I shall gear myself up for economics tomorrow. I have really high hopes and must not screw this one up. As for Chinese, hopefully my prayers would be heard tomorrow.

xw 4:10 AM


huang xuewen
10th June

contract bridge

*July 2009
*August 2009
*September 2009
*October 2009
*November 2009
*December 2009
*January 2010
*February 2010
*March 2010
*Void of nothingness
*July 2010
*August 2010

*tall dude
