you will never leave where you are
until you know where you had rather be

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Woohoo. I managed to rush out my reminding essay outlines right before the countdown. Which means I entered the new year without any essay outlines on my back. Sure I do have some journal entries to do, but that is easy right? I am sure she will accept random entries about how I feel Tiger Woods has been a really bad person and deserved losing all his sponsorship and stuff.

For some reason, my MSN refuses to log me in. And it is not because I have no internet access of course. No! I feel so cut off from the rest of the world. Actually screw it. MSN is not that important anyway. Other that the fact that it is my medium to DotA games. I just hope that the MSN satellite did not fall out of orbit and brought all my Hexic high scores along with it. (If you really need to post something telling me that that is not how the internet works, feel free to tag.) Now I am stuck here with nothing to do. Perhaps it is a sign to keep up all my muggery and do all my journal entries today.

Anyway, I would like to say happy new year to all my beloved readers. Happy new year! I really hope you guys can keep to your resolutions for more than 3 days. Here are 10 resolutions for that you lazy people that do not want to come out with your own.

1) Start sleeping before midnight everyday. It is good for your health.
2) Stop eating expensive food.
3) Be nice to your pets.
4) Be nice to your siblings.
5) Stop cheating on your wife. Maybe people will give you back your sponsorship deals.
6) Start doing your holiday homework. It is due this year now.
7) Stop listening to Lailailai
8) Be punctual for your meetings with your friends.
9) Stop watching so much Youtube videos and spend more time watching real news.
10) Remember your SingPass.

xw 9:01 PM

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wow. I cannot seem to get myself to sleep before midnight anymore. I have transformed into someone I tried so hard not to become. Now here I am, listening to LaiLaiLai on the radio. I should seriously make myself sleep at 10 for a few consecutive days. Surely that would fix my weird sleeping timing. Or of course I could just wait for school to reopen where I would either be forced to reset my biological clock or get expelled for getting too much white slips.

Anyway, me and my dear partner managed to get second for SCBA on Friday. Second baby, we actually win money. The countless lasts that I got seems so worth it now. But I have to commend Yanwei for really throwing himself in the deep end. The first game of contract bridge ever was played in a round of pairs at SCBA. That is almost asking to be banned.

xw 9:12 AM

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Holy crap. After a short sharing over MSN, I decided that it might be a good idea to go the the FML site to read about the misfortunes of others. What a sad mistake. Apparently, when I read about other people getting owned, I get all upset for them, especially when it was hardly their fault that they got screwed over. I guess some sites were not made for me to read.

A week ago, I had this excellent idea of turning the air cooler beside my CPU on, and wonders of wonders, it stopped my computer from crashing every other session. However, it failed me yesterday, and my computer hung for the first time in a week. Looks like it is time to turn up the air cooler from Low to Medium. Its just a matter of time before I need to shift in my power fan and have it pointed at the CPU too. Or I could just call the distributor and ask them to fix it for me. But where is the fun in that eh?

xw 8:37 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009

Oh no, Christmas is over. This marks the start of my re-transformation into a real student again. Basically, I have 2 weeks to the start of school, and 4 weeks to my SATs. The best part is, I have yet to see a sample SATs question, or find out if they test any more than Math and English. I have this feeling that they might just ask questions on the sciences too, but have not really bothered to find out. Oh well, I guess I do have more pressing issues at hand.

I really dislike the SingPass system. Somehow, I seem to have forgotten my SingPass. Apparently, I did not bother to change it into my common password when I activated my account. Now I have MinDef asking me to confirm some weird administrative thing and I cannot even log on. This warrants a trip down to the CPF headquarters so I can ask them to change my password in person, since I cannot even answer my own security questions. No seriously, who actually remembers the answer to the security questions. Half the time, they offer you questions like "What is you mother's middle name?", and I am like, "What IS my mother's middle name?" Anyway, in order to prove to the computer that I am indeed Xuewen, I have to tell them my NIRC, my full name, and the date of issue of my IC. Then comes the security question. Are they not convinced by the fact that I know the date of issue? I mean I actually needed to take out my IC to check that one.

"What is your favorite song?"
Holy crap, I cannot possibly know the answer to this question before knowing when I set the answer. And I have no idea when I set the answer. I have changed my favorite song about once a month on average, so it is quite a stupid question that I chose to ask. Seriously, at that time I must have been like, "Surely I will know that my favorite song is blah blah blah!" So much for not thinking things through.

And just for fun, I read the second question even though I knew it was pointless. Come on, if I can answer this, at least I scrape a pass for my own identity test.

"What is your childhood nickname?"
Great. What is my childhood nickname. Sometimes I wished I had a nice nickname. That way, I can actually introduce myself by saying "Hey, my name is Xuewen, but you can call me Mario." Which is a relay to "Mario? What a great name! I love all the Mario games except for Mario Sunshine!" And at that point I know that me and whoever I am talking to would have at least something in common. Too bad the only thing my friends ever called me is either my name or my initials. Or some vulgarity once in awhile.

xw 8:32 PM

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

You know there is something wrong with you when you lose a pen the same day you bought it. I lose about 2 pens a month, sometimes I even lose the pens I borrow because I... well... lost all my other pens. But for the first time in my history of my life, I seem to have lost a pen on its first day on the job. Sigh, just thinking about all the essays can make me feel sad for the pen. But then I go on to think about the money I wasted and I stop feeling sorry for the pen and start feeling sorry for myself.

On top of that, the other pen I bought today happens to be 0.5. Thats like so fine that I can hardly read it. If there is one thing I cannot write with, I would be a 0.5 pen. Sure, I can even stand a pencil so blunt that the characters smashes together, but I will refuse to use a 0.5 pen. Looks like I am going to get a whole lot of work done today.

Oh yea, can someone please tell me when school reopens. I am really looking forward to organizing my own funeral.

xw 2:40 AM

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The new cafe near my house is finally opened. Sure they did not have a big opening ceremony to announce to the neighborhood that they finally managed to open for business, but they did stick a large sign across their glass door that reads "NOW OPEN", which gave me the idea that they are opened. I cannot wait to try out their coffee, although it is so expensive that it scares me to even enter the place. Anyway, if any of my dear readers happens to be interested in grabbing some coffee with me, why don't you just pop by my house with a wallet full of money. However, I have to warn you that I am a horribly busy person (mainly due to poor time management skills) and it might cost you an essay outline or two to get me out of my house.

Speaking of essay outlines, the more I look at the list of General Paper work, the more I know that I am probably not going to be able to complete anything. In fact, things like "Evidence of consistent reading" is going to be hard to fulfill, judging from the fact that I have not read anything since the start of the holidays, save for Missile Gap which I rushed in a couple of hours last night. I am currently printing out 2 comprehension papers which I am expected to complete too. My printer is awfully slow after months of slacking. In fact, I took a good 5 minutes to warm up. What a useless piece of junk. And why on earth does it sit there quietly when it is out of paper. Is it not good sense to make it have some sort of emergency siren when something like that happens? Or at least a little out of paper jingle? Okay a beep. How about a beep? I want my out of paper beep!

xw 11:31 PM

Monday, December 21, 2009

Avatar was a great movie. Seriously, it does not get much better than this. it was the latest movie I have ever watched, ending at 130 in the morning. Coupled with the fact that I watched it all the way at Vivocity, it would have been a sad journey home if we did not take a taxi. Considering that it would have left us the only other option of walking home in the rain. Anyway, the plot of Avatar is quite similar to that of the familiar Pocahontas, except that the whole movie takes place on another planet, with interspecies love and all. The graphics were amazingly good, and it was a pity that I did not watch it in 3D. And if you did watch it in 3D, please do not talk to me about your movie experience. Rawr.

You know what else is a pity? School is starting soon! I keep telling myself that I can easily tear myself away from the computer to do some real work, but its not happening. The more time I spend slacking now, the more time I am going to have to invest later on. Sometimes even knowing the problem and the solution does not mean that you have solved the problem.

xw 9:02 PM

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The sky is finally done. After Thomas decided that it was a good idea to help me fix in a lot of pieces of the sky, I suddenly lost my common sense and rushed the rest of it. Yes, at last! It only took me about thirteen months to finish the sky. It was a painful process. I still remember when I was fixing the clouds. All the white pieces looks the same. As in seriously, exactly the same. Then when I finally moved on the the real sky, I realized that all the blue pieces looks exactly the same too. Yay for jiwsaw skies. When I fixed in the last pieces, I breathed out a sigh of relief. It was 130am already, which was a little later then I expected. I stood up to admire my work, and then I saw the spot that the sunflower field is supposed to be. Looks like it is going to take another year or so.

A big thanks to everyone that helped me fix in more than 1 piece, especially those who did so without me having to trick them into.

xw 7:16 PM

Friday, December 18, 2009

The thin fabric of time starts to distort slowly, and suddenly, a blog post emerged from the recent past! And only one week late!

Today, I tested my body with some weird prawn crackers that Kenneth's mother offered me. I have no idea why, but I got this feeling that I was allergic to it. It is like a special ability I have. When I see a food item, I can roughly tell if I am going to get hives if I ate it or not, and the crackers were emitting a lot of evil vibes. Being the adventourous person that I am, I ate it anyway just to complete my list of food items that I am allergic to.

This is the first thing that gave me hives. I used to love these nonsense, but one fine day a few years back, I got hives after eating it. Of course I did not suspect anything, so I got it twice more the same month. But luckily, I was smart enough to figure out that it must be the Twisties that I had a sudden allergy for. With a heavy does of self deception, I managed to convince myself that it tasted like crap anyway and I am not missing much.

No! Why do I have to be allergic to the tastiest stars in the universe? Seriously, these things are good with or without milk. At least I can eat 1 or 2 pieces without breaking out with hives.

Generic Chewing Gum from Malaysia
You know, the one with the green wrapper? I have no idea whats the real brand name, but I was chewing on one of these doing my first sia kang warrior job. It did not even look like something I would be allergic to. Come on, who on earth is allergic to chewing gum. Luckily this allergy does not impact my life in anyway at all, necause Singapore's government is kind enough to ban it for me. Victory!

I have not actually tried this, but I know that they taste like the original Twisties and I have a really really strong feeling that they will screw me over. Not touching these until I get over this feeling. After which I would probably regret my decision.

And yay, that is the end of the list. I am not allergic to prawn crackers.

xw 7:43 AM

Monday, December 14, 2009

Yesterday marked the start of the new era. It was the first time in my holidays that I actually touched my notes. All I accomplished was just 3 topics that I have already done a few months ago, but I guess it is a start. And it is also not my fault that Mr Lim gave us homework which was designed to ensure that we never forget the first 11 topics ever again. I wonder if I can keep up the boredom today.

The internet radio is down again. And on top of that, it is only down for me. Everyone else can assess it, but not me. NOT ME. Now I cannot listen to the radio without having to stick two irritating things into my ears anymore. Looks like it is the end of my music listening life again. Now that did not last too long.

While I am listing down all the horrible things that are happening to me, I might as well mention that one of the coffee shop near my house is down for renovation. Which is great, because now I only have one left, and being human, I do thirst for variety. Time to try every different store of the other coffee shop.

xw 7:24 PM

Saturday, December 12, 2009

In preparation for the breaking down of my computer, I took the time to dig through mountains of receipts and invoices to find my extended warranty service contract. It is much like then normal warranty, just that it is no longer with the producer of my computer, but rather the distributer. Having spent all of 10 minutes finding it, it only made sense that I read it before I dumped it into the pile of mess on my desktop. I then realized that they sound like they are really unwilling to help anyone fix their computer. Brilliant. Of course it is really hard to read the whole contract properly, as it is written so carefully to prevent misinterpretation that every sentence looks constipated. So here is a simplified version of the contract.

This part of the contract states how long the contract lasts. Fair enough. The last line has a really complicated sentence structure, but I broke it down slowly and figured it meant, "Sometimes, the customer has to pay more." Right...

Product Eligibility
It basically states that I have to be in Singapore. Looks like they are not too willing to fly down to anywhere in the world to help you fix your computer. It also states that they are only going to fix your computer if it is meant for personal use only, so no commercial computers. I cannot really figure out the logic of that part though.

This is the longest part of the contract. Seriously, it seems to go on forever. They will not fix anything that the manufacturer will fix for free. They will not fix your CPU to make it look less ugly. Oh dear, it appears that they will not free your computer from viruses and bugs either. Not like that is very hard to do, those lazy workers. The list goes on and on and on. It touches a little on theft, burglar, accidental or intentional damage (Which means they are not going to fix any damage), neglect and misuse and abuse (Thumbs up), animal or insect infestation, and finally, natural disasters. But I do believe that you have better things to worry about if your computer gets destroyed in an earthquake, like you house. Of course that is just in my opinion.

Limitation of Liability
The opportunity cost of you not having your computer while they fix it will not be compensated.

If you lose your contract, they terminate the contract. If you lose your CPU, they terminate the contract too.

Entire Agreement
Oh this part is interesting. After they fix your computer, it might not be as good as it once was. Also, if they are unable to fix it, they might decide to replace your computer with "one of a like kind and quality." I hope this does not mean I will get one which blue screens me every other day.

xw 7:30 PM

Friday, December 11, 2009

Woohoo! Me and Yanwei redeemed ourselves yesterday by getting 7th for SCBA last night. Thats like right smack in the middle. It was a good day to have scored decently as it also happened to be the day she threaten not to let us play because we suck too much. My very first competition is in a week, so I guess that leaves us amazingly little time to get our pending "Must Use Conventions" up and working. The worse thing is that new conventions needs time to work. Lets hope all goes well then.

I did not know that thee Ministry of Home Affairs sent people to take surveys about random things. A girl went up to my door yesterday and asked me to help her do a survey. It was about how I felt about other races and religion, and how I though they felt about me. There was also a little bit about terrorism, but that part looked like it was a poor little question that was from another survey and got lost because it wondered to far away from its mother. How sad. Just to try my luck, when when she asked for my age group, I told her 20-24, just too see if I can pass off for it. Apparently not. Maybe I would in a few years time.

xw 7:15 PM

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sigh. My mum is getting really cranky. I think that the thought of A-levels being less than a year away has gotten to her head. Does it really kill her to see me having fun during the holidays? She has been bugging me to file my notes since a month ago, and today, she gave me a book which would supposedly improve my General Paper grades. I guess that it is just a parent thing.

Today was the first time in ages I went for a swim. Of course, by swimming, I mean 5 minutes of complaining how cold the water is, 10 minutes of walking in the water, 2 minutes of actually swimming and 30 minutes of soaking in the sun on the deck chair. Life is good when you have the option to do nothing. I still suck at tennis though. At least I can serve properly about 20% of the time now. That is some pretty decent skills.

xw 4:57 AM

Monday, December 7, 2009

Life sucks when you are an Itallian plumber wearing green. Yup, the colour of your overalls makes a big difference when you are in mushroom kingdom. If you wear red, you get to run off with Princess Peach after your brother jumps over the waves of lava to reach the final platform and miss the giant button to fall to his greasily death while you pop out of your bubble and save the princess. I would like to think that the two little unnamed toads are female at least, so that Mario is not the only one getting rewarded. Oh well, life is never fair.

I have been listening to the radio again recently. 987 finally decided to fix their internet thing, so now I can tune in while doing whatever it is that I do when I use the computer. Well, there are a lot of new songs now, and the old ones have faded into oblivion. But one thing that I noticed is that the songs are still either about love or sex. Is that how you are supposed to make it big if you are a song writer. Actually, come to think of it, it does make sense. The songs about love can be used to target all the foolish people who still believes in love. The songs about sex are for those who gave up on that and just go around screwing everyone who is willing to get screwed by them. Admittedly, there is a pathetic number of songs not about of love or sex, and those do get to the top of the charts when they come.

xw 10:18 AM

I am so ready to study. With a pile of notes, some files to start organizing and the week old Slurpee in front of me, I can finally start to do some work. Unfortunately, I am not that disciplined. So I grab my Slurpee and go off to play some DotA. Computer games - 1, Homework - 0. Tomorrow will be the day I start. Honestly, no more procrastination.

With great skill, I also managed to piece about 4 pieces of my jigsaw puzzle. At last, progress! I can almost see the whole sky now. If anyone is interested in helping me fix my jigsaw puzzle, I warmly welcome you to my house to help me. I will even provide for your meals, so long as you are doing a good job. And if you are enthusiastic enough, I can even accommodate you for a night or two. Thinking back, I has been almost exactly a year since I got the jigsaw puzzle. Maybe I should just spend 5 minutes everyday fitting a couple of pieces in. Surely it would be done by 2013.

xw 12:00 AM

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Yesterday, I got reminded once again why I slept through all but the first PE lesson about tennis last year. Yup, I spent one day learning how much I sucked at it, and the rest of the lessons sleeping beside the net. That is the best spot to sleep, because the raging tennis balls never find their way there. Anywhere else and you are vulnerable to those irritating things whizzing past your head every couple of minutes. And if you are lucky enough, one or two might connect during that one hour. I spent some time learning how to serve again, and remembered that I sucked at the game. Looks like its back to Wii Sport's tennis.

xw 8:16 PM

Saturday, December 5, 2009

It took me all of 17 years to notice that people act on their own interest. The most harmless of conversations are also driven by motives. Is there anyone out there who is selfless enough to live a day without having a personal agenda, or at least not bothering to do everything on it? But I guess that is how life works. Meet someone with conflicting motives and you found an enemy, meet someone with similar interest and you have found a friend. When you put all this in perspective, you are actually much lonelier than you think.

Anyway, I messed with the coding of the blog a little a spawned an archive! You can now read my older posts, not like there are many of them, but I am sure there is someone out there who would want to read some drivel to kill time. No? And for everyone who is using Chrome and Firefox, you cannot see the sidebar. You need to open my blog using Internet Explorer, if not you only see two arrows. Actually now that I though of it, you can still read the stuff on the sidebar with other browsers. Its like looking through a little slit or something.

xw 3:14 AM

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Oh no. My computer seems to be exploding more and more often. It is almost as if it is trying to tell me not to use it so often. Perhaps it is a sign that I should be going out a little more often, or maybe it wants me to actually start on my homework. Nah, can't possibly be the latter. Who would start doing work one week into the holidays.

Today, I managed to oversleep again. By the time I was awake, they were probably already done with drills and doing whatever scrimmage thing they felt like doing. Bleah, I think it would be a good idea if I woke up at 630am everyday. That way, I would not lose so much time. Waking up in the afternoon is just sad. Come to think of it, why has everyone in my family came to ignore the sign on my room door? Could it be because I told them not to wake me up anymore? I guess it is time to get an alarm clock.

The weather is really depressing. If it is not pouring, it is raining, and if it is not raining, its drizzling. Is this what we get in exchange for snow? I want my snow!

xw 7:56 PM

First and foremost, I am going to have to say that I am a ridiculously irresponsible person who cannot keep track of time. I am stating to remind myself of my sister. Oh well, with any luck, I should be able to wake up in time for Ultimate training tomorrow.

Today, I watched my first M18 movie, about 6 months early. It is sure comforting to know I can pull off as someone above 18, especially after the first epic fail at Grand Cathay. Luckily, Bryan assumed "Cathay" to be Cathay Cineleisure, so instead of failing at the Grand Cathay ticket booth again, we got to sneak in an watch Zombieland!

After a couple of minutes into the movie, I realized that it probably got its rating from all the gore. The zombies were like, all drooling blood and stuff. They were also surprisingly fast. Normal zombies usually just crawl their way to you, like in House of the Dead. Zombieland zombies just sprint to you with all their might, and then cling on to you to feast on your flesh. The movie was really funny, though the plot was pretty flimsy. But what the heck, watching a zombie show for the plot is like playing Mario for the storyline.

Anyway, the point is that I managed to sneak into a rated movie. Accomplishment achieved.

xw 3:08 AM

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The body is an amazing thing. After 12 hours straight, I can finally start to think again. Sadly, the first thing I think of is the book reviews that I have been assigned. I really feel like just using the books that I have read before, instead of using new ones. In fact, that would probably be the only way I get my work done, seeing that I am the sort that looks forward to pack his holiday schedule with events. Non homework doing events.

Anyway, it was the first time in many nights that I could close my eyes, and just drift off to sleep immediately. This was really strange, because I was expecting to be doing a little bit of angsting and Bear Bear head rip offing. Apparently, exhaustion owns angst, so I guess my bear gets to live for another day.

xw 8:11 PM

That was some chalet. It had a perfect balanced of being both structureless and well planned at the same time. For the first day, we could do anything we wanted, which is what everyone does at a normal chalet. I finally found out what 4 player Mario is like, complete chaos. There is not even enough platform space for most of the time, causing people to bounce off each other into bottomless pits or pools flaming lava. The only difference between the first day of the Bridge chalet and the standard chalet is that hardly any bridge was being played, save a few boards of rubber bridge. Of course there was the bonding session in the middle of the night (Or early in the morning as some might see it), which involved Truth-or-dare and some new pointing game that Renwei introduced us. It is not like we still need to do a lot of bonding, but I still have this fondness for games like that. Except Truth-or-dare.

The second day was much more structured. I really loved the pirate game that the community planned for us. It was really very well designed except, of course, the last part with the mass beach excavation. And the drinking part. Lets not forget the drinking part with the weird mixture that we thought had vinegar which turned out to be curdled milk. Please do not try to poison us, I happen to value my life a lot. Kudos to Ruth for glupping it all down. I had to sip it a little by a little, and even then it is so painful at times I wanted to just vomit. Come on, the white blobs of mayonnaise (Wow, had to check Google for the spelling of that one) looked so disgusting. The mass beach excavation was pretty fun though. We actually managed to dig out 2 of the 3 hidden treasures, though it did take a pretty ridiculous amount of time. It was actually pretty fulfilling just sitting at the beach watching everyone work together to overturn the beach to no avail. Even those who were digging using eye power and those that are there with us in spirit would have this experience that we shared together. Years down the road, we can tell our grandchildren about this experience when they ask us what a beach is.

Second evening was dominated by some Bridge. I did really badly, as did all the sleep deprived people, and lost Prosty Bear. I did get a mug in return. If I can drag myself to Ultimate training tomorrow, I would be able to see what the mug actually looks like, and find out from Jing Xian who won Prosty Bear. Take good care of her please!

The last test of my physical endurance was of course the "class outing" today. Hardly a class, 6 people, and hardly an outing either. To be perfectly honest, it was so bad that I would rather have went back to Pasir Ris Park to dig up the final $5 Burger King voucher alone. I guess I am going to do that some other day. I guess the most important thing to me in these events like chalets and gatherings is that I have to bond with the others. In the "class outing" today, none of the bonding happened. I do have to admit that the merged Minds Cafe part was fun though. Excellent call.

xw 4:15 AM


huang xuewen
10th June

contract bridge

*July 2009
*August 2009
*September 2009
*October 2009
*November 2009
*December 2009
*January 2010
*February 2010
*March 2010
*Void of nothingness
*July 2010
*August 2010

*tall dude
