you will never leave where you are
until you know where you had rather be

Monday, February 15, 2010

I just came back from a movie with my family. Of course it had to be a random movie, because if it was not random, it would not be fun. That being said, we ended up watching Percy Jackson. The plot was really... Lets just say that the guy in charge of the story line was not getting paid enough. Unless you are excellent at suspending your disbelieve, you are probably going to question a hell lot in this movie. It is one of those movies that you do not have to think at all. You just sit there and accept everything you see as it is. A little like an economics lecture actually.

SPOILER ALERT: The following text contains spoilers that might ruined your already bad movie, making it even worse. If you intend to watch this movie, read the rest of this post at your own risk.

This movie is about a boy, Percy, who is a demi-god. Yes a demi-god. And yes it gets better. His best friend is a satyr, and is supposed to protect him. Percy gets attacked by a monster. A centaur saves him. Satyr guy tells him his real demi-godly identity, and he reacts appropriately, by following him to a camp for demi-gods to train their fighting skills. Why? It was not properly explained (Or I might have slept through that part.) but I figured they needed an outlet to pass time. Oh yea, his mother gets disintegrated by a minotaur. Ouch!

He trains for a day, and found out that he is the son of Poseidon (Which makes him very Powerful and Special.) That night, Hyades visited the camp and offered to trade the lightning Percy stole (He did not by the way, somebody else did and the godly gods somehow all thought that he was the one that stole it. Not very impressive.) for his mother, who was stuck in the underworld. So Percy goes of with ONE WHOLE DAY of training to seek out Hyades. Man, talk about being over prepared.

He goes on the find 3 pearls hidden around the United States that had the power to bring you to anywhere you wanted. These are supposed to get them out of hell. Getting in is easy, you just need to enter it via Hollywood and pay the ferry man to bring you to the heart of hell where Hyades resides. After all that, Percy tells Hyades that he did not have the lightning, but oh no! He does have it hidden in his shield! "You lie!" bellows Hyades before feeding him to the lost souls. But his wife took the lightning and zaps him before our heroes got killed. Yay! And finally, the geniuses realized that they only have 3 pearls, which means that one of them would have to stay in hell. Oh yea, I failed to mention that Percy, satyr dude and love interest of the show were travelling together all this while. You would have thought that they would be thoughtful enough to actually bring an extra pearl to get Percy's mum out of hell. So satyr dude, being an unimportant sidekick, had to stay in hell.

Percy goes on to the gateway to heaven, which is on top of the empire state building. He fights a boss battle with the guy that jacked him by passing him the shield. He wins. He goes to heaven. He passes the bolt of lightning to Zeus. The world is saved!

The end. Oh yea, he was this close to kissing the love interest. How can I forget the important part.

xw 5:46 AM

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Take 5 was quite fun. I have problem recalling exactly what happened, but I do know that we got owned by the gameshow. No, not the other gameshow contestants, the gameshow itself. Unfortunately, me and Haiwei were short two points of entering the finals, so we did not get to enjoy the second half of playing weird games.

Squid Dog and Bone:
This is like dog and bone, except with a squid. The best part is that the squid stinks like crazy, and when you squeeze it too hard, it sort of squirts ink on you. I am not too sure if the ink was especially smelly too, because once you smell the squid, you nose gets numb to any stench damage for a good amount of time. Oh yea, how they did the scoring for this game will continue to be out of my understanding.

Listing Game:
You start listing stuff from a given category. When you pause for too long/ list something that has been said already/ list something that does not belong to the category, you get whacked by the other contestants. And you do not get a point. This is by far the most normal game.

Sponge Game:
Thank goodness for me, Haiwei is a pretty good thrower. In this game, I had to hold a bucket over my head, and he would try to throw sponges that have been soaked in yellow juice into the bucket. Well, I was afraid that he might miss at first, because the yellow thing really looked like egg yolk, and I was not fond of being sponged in the face by egg yolk. Not like I would smell any worse than I already did from the squid. Turns out it was just Mama Lemon.

After getting eliminated from the gameshow, we had a class outing. Significantly better than the last one, which was a failure on at least 18 levels, and that is going my the abridged version of "Failures of a Class Outing". I am not sure if I already posted about that last outing, but I am not going to bore (or offend anyone) with details. Anyway, this outing had more people, and more, erm, purpose. Moral of the story, have a proper organizer or get ready for failure.

xw 6:42 AM

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What is with all these emo face book groups? Facebook groups with names along the lines of "I wasted a long time liking you", "A tear is 1% water and 99% feelings" and "I don't know what to talk about, but I know I want to talk to you" has been spawning on my Facebook homepage recently. I can imagine the group hosting club meetings where everyone all gathers to tell their sob stories, followed by a short tea break and finally a wrist slashing session. Except for the last group. Those people would just sit around not knowing what to say to each other.

It is that time of the year again. After this long week end, everyone is suddenly going to be significantly wealthier, and a few would be significantly more attached. To someone else. What ever the case, no one can stop the long holidays from coming to relieve some steam from my head after insanely mugging for the first half of the school term. The last day of school before the mini-holidays will be marked with a lecture test, which all my friends happens to think is really easy. Not that I asked them. Honest.

xw 5:20 AM

Monday, February 8, 2010

I recently learnt that walking to Little India station from National Junior College is not a good idea. Oh yea, and if you are planning to do so, remember to ignore what other people tell you to do and not take any turns at all. Not even one. Just walk straight, as any bit of turning might get you to Newton station and you do not want that.

Take 5 Sandsation is approaching quickly. I can hardly wait to see what the gameshow people had planned for us. My only fear is that they might try getting us to eat weird stuff on the show, which would suck because I am a very picky person. I only eat food. It reminds me of the bridge chalet where Junyi's concoction nearly poisoned those who drank a sip of it. Well, we were warned in the email that we might want to wear something dark for "our own modesty", so I am guessing that keeping dry would be a slight problem. Oh well, I have to say that the suspense is a really good way of keeping the contestants from being prepared, both physically and mentally.

To accommodate the juniors, we received a new improved timetable today. It looks the same to me, all the important periods like breaks and physical education did not move at all. Sadly, Yvonne lost her magical Thursday which used to end at what, eleven in the morning? But for the rest of us non-Japanese speaking people, I think no one would be able to tell the difference.

xw 4:51 AM

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today was our block party. Basically, the residents came down to eat lunch together at Lesbian Square, while some member of parliament brought us some good news about estate renovation (Yes, the one I posted about a few weeks back), which was stunningly surprising news, and something about lift renovation. At least if the lift renovation thing goes through, I do not have to drag my bicycle up and down the stairs every time I want to cycle somewhere. Oh yea, and I got to shake hands with the member of parliament. It made me feel all warm inside, and I would give her my vote in the up coming elections if I was suddenly granted the power to vote.

It is getting harder and harder to do work now. I can feel the laziness sneaking back into my life. And now that my computer got over its strike, I have an additional distraction. In fact, I have a half done remedial worksheet in front of me as I am typing this post. Self discipline must be one of the hardest trait to find in a student.

Oh yea, me and Leonard escaped representation. She did tear our presentation apart, but the main point is that she was kind enough to not to give us detention because we were the first group to present. Who said being the benchmark setter did not have its advantages.

xw 12:04 AM

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sorry. It has been a long time since I last posted, some would even say that it has been three weeks. It has something to do with my computer decided not to work, but also partly due to this crazy notion I had that involved purging the computer from my life. What insanity is this.

Unfortunately, my General Paper teacher has decided to make us present on political questions in pairs. We have to talk for 10 minutes each about topics that we know hardly anything about, which is going to fail unless I can pull of a lot of smoking. Of course I did some research prior to my presentation. She did threaten to throw anyone who does a bad job into detention class, something which I happen to be avoiding. Why have the teachers suddenly been granted with the ultimate power of sending anyone to Wednesday detention? Now we actually have to listen to the teachers and do our work before tutorials! Its like they do not trust us to be good teenagers or something. I have no complaints about the new late coming system though. We get to be late twice every calendar month.

Speaking about calendars, many events are going to spring up in the next week. We are going to have a Sandsational time at Take 5, for all those in need for fun, Chinese New Year, for all those in need for cash, and Valentines day, for all those in need for some opposite gender love. Or same gender love. Depending on your preference, which I honestly do not want to know about.

xw 6:43 AM


huang xuewen
10th June

contract bridge

*July 2009
*August 2009
*September 2009
*October 2009
*November 2009
*December 2009
*January 2010
*February 2010
*March 2010
*Void of nothingness
*July 2010
*August 2010

*tall dude
