you will never leave where you are
until you know where you had rather be

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I just had the most enjoyable CIP project yesterday. The best part of it was not that I got more hours than I actually stayed for, it was that all I had to do was to walk around while watching other people do their CIP. That is right. They do the door to door visits and I get the hours for making sure they do not get lost or kidnapped or thrown down the building by raging residents.

I was lucky enough to get a group that only needed to do 3 blocks. The first one was awfully small, with only four floors, so we finished that in no time. Then we moved on to the next two blocks which was each twelve floors high, and twice as wide as the first one. Being smart little secondary two students, my group broke themselves up into 2 groups and each took half the block. The groups then broke up into smaller groups, so it was really efficient. Of course I could no longer see all of them at the same time, so after I bit of tagging along with random groups and walking around looking like I have something to do, I decided to just wait below the block. That way, I can see them if they tried to sneak off or catch them if they get thrown of the building by raging residents! Talk about killing two birds with one stone!

The students were not as annoying as I expected, though they make an awful lot of noise when walking along. Half of them were actually quite enthusiastic about the project, which was surprising. I heard that some of the other groups actually had students who refused to do anything.

Oh yea, this year, I did not take part in Earth Hour. My mother and sister both agreed that they wanted to watch the television, so I got outvoted. Oh well, it is not like me turning off the lights is actually going to help save the planet. Right? Right?

xw 8:06 AM

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hello there my loyal readers! The reason why I have not been updating my blog for the past... 3 weeks is because of the CTs. It is also because I cannot get my self to get the stupid computer fixed.

Economics CTs sucked. Considering that I only studied the multiplier effect for the test, I could only do part (a) of the question. For the second part of the essay question, I was forced to try and reproduce my essay from class test which I somehow managed to pass. Halfway through, I noticed that the question was quite different from the class test. Surprise! Anyway, I did not have time to correct anything, especially since I was already writing paragraphs that were each 4 lines long, each stating nothing more than my point and the implication of my point. Bottom line is, I need to learn how to write faster for economics. Oh yea, and I need to cover the syllabus too.

My team got 4th for the Hwa Chong cup. That is not even a medal position.

xw 10:58 PM

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

If I was an emo person and this was an emo blog, this post would have started with "My life is falling apart right in front of me...", but since I am a perfectly emotionally stable person, I have decided against doing so. Instead, I have decided to just casually mention that I lost my freaking wallet last Friday. And it looks like I am not going to be able to get it back. To mentally prepare anyone who might decide to lose his or her wallet in the near future, I have done a list of disadvantages of doing so.

1) You lose money - Surprise. You lose money when you lose your wallet. In fact, you lose the amount of money that was in your wallet when you lost it. Exactly.

2) Travelling gets harder - Assuming that you keep your EZ link card in your wallet too, there is a good chance that you have to travel with coins for the next few days. This not only makes you constantly think about getting change to be able to go home, you are also unable to take the MRT train anywhere. Since the bus driver can see that you are in school uniform, at least you only have to pay student price. Trains are so ridiculously expensive that it is no longer an option. Now I can only take 156 to school. And back.

3) Arcade cards - Remember those days where you went to the arcade and watch eagerly as you arcade card accumulate points which would finally give you a little discount per game? (And lets not forget the shiny card.) Well, by losing your wallet, you get to relive that experience.

4) Twinkly pockets - Now that you have nothing to put your money into, you have no choice but to put them into your pockets. The notes are not so bad, except that they are so light I keep putting my hands in my pocket to make sure that they have not magically flown away. Coins are quite the opposite. The jingle in your pockets to constantly remind you that they are there, ready to be used to pay for your wallet-less trip home.

5) Replacement IC - I probably have to go through a lot of hassle when finally stop procrastinating and started filing police reports and stuff about losing my IC. And my EZ link card. This might also cost more money, and almost certainly will cause a hell load of time.

6) Raging mother - Cannot wait to tell mum about this.

xw 3:56 AM


huang xuewen
10th June

contract bridge

*July 2009
*August 2009
*September 2009
*October 2009
*November 2009
*December 2009
*January 2010
*February 2010
*March 2010
*Void of nothingness
*July 2010
*August 2010

*tall dude
