you will never leave where you are
until you know where you had rather be

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Everyone has their own style of mugging. Which is exactly why I came up with the awesome list of different types of muggers! Collect them all today! (Disclaimer: Any characters in this post are purely fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Or not.)

The ADD mugger: Takes a 5 minute break for every 5 minutes of mugging. Luckily for them, sometimes they takes a break from breaking and goes back to mugging prematurely. The smarter ones gets around this problem by studying for all their subjects at once, moving on to a new subject after they get bored of the last.

The bankai mugger: Cannot stop mugging, and cannot take any breaks! Only 100 more days to A-levels rawr!

The closet mugger: These people hide at home to mug, so that no one sees them mugging. They would then tell all their friends that they are going to fail the exam before walking into the hall, only to slap them in the face a few weeks later with a "Wow, I got deans listed without studying!" Rarely contributes in class either, in order to cover their mugging tracks.

The construction helmet mugger: No one really knows what the helmet is for, but some say that the helmet is there to prevent any brain from exploding. Others hypothesize that maybe the helmet keeps them from falling asleep. Seriously, try sleeping with a helmet.

The group mugger: Some people just cannot study alone for some reason. They have to be sitting in a group before any work can be done. Admittedly, a big advantage to this arrangement is that you can ask people questions. However, people might ask you questions and distract you too. Pick your members carefully!

The legendary mugger: Legend has it that there was once a guy who got UUUUU for the last exam and suddenly goes into a mugging frenzy. The result? Straight As. All muggers hail this mugger, for he have done the ultimate 25 grade jump. His name is carved on the library wall, so all knows about the new legend.

The midnight mugger: Sleeps during class, but still scores very well. What is their secret? They do not sleep at home! Instead, they spend their nights burning the midnight oil. Three cheers for caffeine.

The mugger mugger: These sneaky bastards camp outside the library at night with a baseball bat, ready to knock out the next guy who comes around the corner. This explains the construction helmet mugger!

The mugger mugger: Huh? Did legendary speller Huang just make a mistake? Did he not just educate us about the mugger mugger? No! This mugger mugger is different. They also stand outside the library at night, but they are actually there to take notes about sneaky bastards who camp outside the library at night holding base ball bats.

The musical mugger: Why is that dude wearing headphones while mugging? His head is bobbing up and down to the beat, I guess some people just work better with music. Not to be confused with a silence mugger.

The poor planning mugger: Unfortunately, some of the muggers are just not that good an arranging a mugging schedule. This ends up in them pacing themselves so badly that they spend too much time on one subject and have no time to do anything else. A typical report card of a poor planning mugger would be: A (Mugged for this yo!) C (Can't possibly suck at everything) UUU (But sure can suck for 3 things). Ouch.

The proud mugger: Spams you with tonnes of knowledge that they have committed to memory. When they start mugging for general paper, be sure to hang around them as the spew bits of information that might come in handy. Remember to stroke their egos by telling them how smart they are once in awhile if you want to keep them going. To stop them from annoying you, talk about a subject you know they have not touched.

The silence mugger: Why is that dude wearing headphones while mugging? Cannot possibly be to listening to music right, what sort of weirdo can study with music blasting in their ears. I guess he just does not want anyone talking to him.

The sleepy mugger: Can be found sleeping on their notes in the library. Looks like he is going to be up all night. Feel free to grab any fancy mind-maps you see on the table, just be sure not to wake him up.

xw 2:28 AM

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Woohoo, I am finally done with Stats. It is actually quite frustrating relearning something that you once knew how to do inside out, but it still had to be done. I still think that they should have tough pure math first, before they dud any stats. It is not like we need any of this stats knowledge to do our pure math topics.

Oh yea, my aunt was at the market buying salmon. Apparently they were selling it for 99 cents per 100 grams, which is just a tad cheaper than 1 cent per gram. I am not much of a grocery shopper, so I have no idea how cheap that is, but my aunt decided that it was too cheap to only buy one fish. So she went ahead and bought a lot. Alas she bought enough to sell some to my mum too, and now the freezer section of our fridge is full of salmon. Not just any salmon, but perishable salmon, that has to be consumed quick. Actually ya, that is any salmon. Looks like I am going to be eating salmon for quite a few days in a row...

xw 2:34 AM

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My secret blog agent (Yes I have a secret blog agent.) has recommended that I value added my blog by adding random information in my post once in awhile. This way, my readers will actually learn something that is not what I did, what I think, what I think about what I did, what I did about what I think... you get the idea. So I decided, instead of scattering useless bits of information everywhere, why not just put them all in one post, so that this useless information can be found easily. Now you know where to find them, the day before GP prelims.

Ten things you need to know (about strawberries) before GP prelims:

  1. People eat them in Asia. Not only Asians, I heard that Europeans eat them too. And pretty much the rest of the world, but I cannot guarantee you that. We Asians definitely eat strawberries though, not a doubt.
  2. They can be pretty huge. And by pretty huge I mean the size of your fist. I have seen and eaten one that big, of course under the assumption that you have pretty small fists.
  3. Strawberry flavored things taste nothing like them. Real strawberries sparkle in your mouth, and makes you feel like you can take on the world!
  4. They are not made from straw. Those are straw berries.
  5. You can eat the seeds too. There are like... a lot of seeds, so do not even try to remove them before eating. Rest assured, a strawberry tree will not grow on your head if you eat their seeds.
  6. Haha, gotcha. Strawberries do not grow on trees, the grow on bushes! Or do they grow on vines? Perhaps Wikipedia will have the answer...
  7. If you peel a strawberry in front of a mirror at midnight, you will not see your future husband in the reflection. You might see an idiot trying to peel a strawberry though. (If it is bright enough.)
  8. They are one of the best fruits to serve with a chocolate fondue, right after bananas. The sparkle puts a tingle into each bite, and yet the strawberry does not have an overwhelming flavor such that the chocolate is overpowered.
  9. Strawberries are red just like how apples are red;sometimes they are green .
  10. The Strawberry Fair has nothing to do with strawberries. Really.
P.S. I do not really have a secret blog agent. No need to thank me when a strawberry question comes out for GP.

xw 2:49 AM

Monday, July 19, 2010

Doom upon us all! A few days ago, a close friend of mine, who shall not be named, was messing with my phone and accidentally plucked off my keyguard switch. Curse you Kenneth. This makes it really hard for me to call anyone, check any messages or look at my background picture. (Which happens to be a really beautiful shot of nature taken by your's truly, by the way...) I knew that the day would come where I would lose the small bit of switch i have left. You see, now whenever I want to switch on my phone, I would have to stick the switch back into the hole, flick it, and then repeat when I want to lock it again. Russel has offered me an elegant solution though, to download this application that would allow my phone to unlock without the stupid switch. Who would think that an application designed to make your Nokia phone look a little more like an iPhone would ever find any use.

Anyway I lost my keygaurd switch today. But then I found it later on so it is okay. Remember to congratulate me when you see me, on my 5th day in keeping the switch with me.

Yensen somehow convinced me to spend 70 cents to get my picture taken with a Polaroid camera. Bryan, Yensen and I each wore this dress thing with an amazingly complicated belt. (The fore-mentioned close friend has still not returned me my belt, on a totally unrelated note.) It was amazingly stuffy in the dress, since I also had my uniform on underneath. Luckily, they had this hand fan around that I could use, since my anti-drug windmill was proving to be a little useless. After years of trying and tying, the Japanese club booth people managed to get the dress thing on me and we took the picture. We then took off the dress only to learn that the picture failed to develop.

I did get my picture in the end, but I was actually holding the belt thing with my right hand. Cannot really be bothered to put that dress back on. Ancient Japanese people sure had it bad.

xw 6:03 AM

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Quality control sure is bad when it comes to free gifts.

This month, I went to the NTUC emporium on two occasions. Once was to buy two packets of delicious gummy worms from The Natural Confectionery. The other was two buy two packets of gummy fruits, also from The Natural Confectionery. They chewy texture of the individually hand made gummy, made from the freshly plucked gum from the gummy bush in Unicornopia... Sugar coated, each cube strategically placed to give the consumer maximum satisfaction... And the dipping of each gummy in the rainbow pool, giving it not only its colour, but its natural fruity taste that is almost identical to the fake fruity taste you normally get... Yummy!

However, much less care is taken into making their free stuffed toys for their promotion. If you purchase two packets of gummy, you get to receive a free stuffed toy. These stuffed toys have slanted crossed-eyes, and they cannot even stand up straight. Okay fine snakes do not usually stand up straight, but surely the pink dinomel (cross between a dinosaur and a camel) should be able to? I can also see the stitches on the toys, and the snake has a torn ribbon for a tongue. Poor dinomel and snake, if only I knew how to fix you guys up.

I guess you only get quality for what you pay for.

xw 5:11 AM

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I make it a point to like every year's national day song. Last year, I had What do you see playing on replay for quite a bit. Strange enough, a song that I had initially disliked suddenly started sounding better and better. Seriously that song grows on you, it is like an acquired taste. All you people who do not like this song, just put it on replay and listen to it for an hour. You will see exactly what I mean.

This year's song, however, how should I put this... It is a little harder to like than the past year's song. It actually sounds pretty okay at the start, but is ruined by a certain line. I do not think I even need to mention which line it is. Just listen to it for yourself and you probably will notice it immediately. Yup, it is that line which makes you shudder in fear.

But horrid lines aside, it is nice to know that they are going back to the old formula of a slow paced song with meaningful (but somewhat corny) lyrics. This is how national day songs should be, less rock and more soul. Looking forward to hearing a great national day song next year!

xw 5:50 AM

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

You know that feeling you get when you just wake up from a short nap? It is this thing where you still feel a little clumsy from the slumber, and you stop thinking all together. Feels good. Honest.

Anyway, I was planning to do some studying today, but I was faced with an empty Group VII lecture note. I am really starting to dislike these notes that leaves blanks all over the place to punish those that do not stay awake during lectures. It is just not fair. Initially, I could fill in the blanks by reading the next few lines of the paragraph. Then as I moved on, I needed to use a little of my Chemistry knowledge to deduce the correct words for the blanks. Finally, it came to the point where I could no longer make up the sentences because the blanks were so frequent.

"F2 reacts with ___________________ water ______________________"

Huh? Let's see... F2 reacts with liquid water quickly? F2 reacts with boiling water but not cold water? F2 reacts with cold water to form HF? The possibilities are endless! So I did what any sane person would do and took a nap from this madness. (If you do know what goes into the blanks, please tell me.)

When I woke up, I decided that it was a good idea to bring a glass of yogurt drink out of the house while grabbing some dinner. Of course, I eventually finished my drink and was left looking like an idiot carrying an empty glass around. I would like to think that I did not already look foolish when I still had some drink left in my glass, but I might be wrong about that.

xw 6:07 AM


huang xuewen
10th June

contract bridge

*July 2009
*August 2009
*September 2009
*October 2009
*November 2009
*December 2009
*January 2010
*February 2010
*March 2010
*Void of nothingness
*July 2010
*August 2010

*tall dude
