you will never leave where you are
until you know where you had rather be

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I just dug up a half written post from the distant past. This was the post I was going to post about a month ago when school just started. However, I gave up half way and did not touch my blog for about a month. Upon reading it again, I have no idea what the hell I was thinking, but I am going to complete the post anyway.

The following italic text is the completed post from the distant past:

Woah, just like that, I am officially a J2. Tomorrow is an important date. It is when the juniors come. The various CCAs have prepared themselves to pique the interest of as many people as possible. Some do it to have choices, especially for the sports. Some do it to keep the club big and healthy. May I compare Bridge Club to a turtle.

Turtle babies are sad little creatures. They have to be born from the sand, as their parents are to lazy to incubate them or something. As a result, immediately after they are borne, the would have to scramble to the sea before all the seagulls eat them up. Or do whatever seagulls do to baby turtles. The solution? Spam baby turtles. That way, at least a few of them are going to make it through to the sea and live a happy gull free turtle life.

Likewise, Bridge Club has a very high member mortality rate. In order to actually have members to continue the club, we are going to have to own open house so bad that a whole lot of J1s joins the club. Following which, they can slowly leave once they realize that they suck at bridge/ do not like thinking/ like to play floating bridge more/ do not have many girl CCA mates, but will be we in trouble then? No! Because we have a freak load of members!

We do not exactly have a "freak load" of members now, but we do have very promising juniors. Some might say that they have both the theory and skills required for this game. The most important thing that they have is enthusiasm, which no bridge player can do without. The steep learning curve will separate the people really interested in bridge from the rest. Anyway, tomorrow is a really special day. It is the day where Enghan and Yensen teaches the juniors how to bid! I am confident that we are going to have very disciplined bidders in our club.

xw 5:38 AM

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ahhh, the new term starts tomorrow. And to welcome us all back into the college, we have a chemistry test waiting for us. Fair enough, the test is not even remotely important (Relatively) but it is still a test either way. It is a good thing that I am feeling fairly prepared for the test. I have been studying quite a bit for the past few days, just to prep myself for a crazy year ahead. Oh well, I really wonder if I am going to enjoy myself in school tomorrow. Hopefully I would be able to get some fun out of the Khong Guan biscuits. Homecoming for the win.

Today, I was in a car with my sister in the driver's seat. It was not too bad, except that she stalled the car a good number of times. Luckily, she was not showing her skills off on the main road, or she might have lost her licence for blocking the traffic.

Anyway, I have a challenge for all my readers! If you ever happen to be in Hougang Mall, you might notice a bubble tea store near the entrance, just opposite the Macdonalds, beside the Pastamania. The interesting thing about this shop is that they have this pearl fetish. They will do their best to force their pearls on you, no matter how many times you tell them not to during your order. So, if you happen to be around Hougang Mall, why don't you try to order a cup of bubble tea that does not have pearl. If you manage to do so successfully, Kenneth will gladly pay for your order. Oh yea, and reminding her that you do not want pearls when she has already got her hands on the bucket of pearls does not count.

xw 4:02 AM

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I have been meaning to blog more than once over the past few days. However, I had to finish all my General Paper homework. Not only did I have to buy a new pen because it drained all the ink off my first one (Yes, the one I bought a few weeks back when I just started my homework.), I also lost all my will to come out with proper sentences. So the rest of this post is going to be in nice short primary school sentences. Still remember those days when an essay (Composition, they used to call it.) consisted of 8 sentences, each no longer than 8 words. Time to relive those days.

Today, I finished my holiday homework for GP.
It took me all of two weeks.
It was tedious and boring.
But I did it anyway.
I skipped the section on consistent reading.
It is far too late to do it.
I have no time to rest though.
Time to start doing my other subjects.

xw 5:52 AM

Friday, January 1, 2010

Oh yeah! I just finished hard resetting my desktop. I am so proud of myself, second time I have done it this year. Even though I know that it is still going to crash on me just about as often as before, I take comfort in the fact that I can say that I tried. Of course I will not be saying that to myself. I would be telling the distributors when I call them down to tell them my computer is screwed. Customer with warranty for the win!

I changed my desktop quite a few days ago. It used to be some sunflower picture, but I decided that it was way to orange for the new year. So I changed it into a nice dark one with some weird plant, and it kind of grew on me. So yeah, changing my wallpaper back to the plant gets priority.

Weird Icons-
The second thing I did with my factory reseted computer is to delete clean up my desktop. They always have this irritating shortcuts you will never use, because it is not useful. Why would I go and watch my DVDs on my computer. I will just use my television for that. Of course I would need to buy some DVDs first, but that is another point.

What good is a computer without internet. It is like having a hand phone with no service provider, or a Wii with no games. I love my wireless adapter, because it has the driver in itself, so I do not have to produce a separate disk to install it. Of course I would have lost the disk by now and I would have no choice but to go online and install the driver. Oh but wait! I cannot do that without installing the driver for my wireless adapter first! You see, it is like one big paradox! (Actually it is just a sad situation to be in.)

Google Chrome!-
The next thing I noticed was that I did not have a proper browser. Sorry Internet Explorer! I know you are the only browser that can view my blog without screwing up the side bar and I respect you for that. But I just like chrome more. And I like Firefox more too. And I would probably like a few other browsers that I have not tried more than you.

Windows Live Messenger-
Oh right... I am going to need this to connect with my friends. Luckily the factory people had the foresight to put a link at the start bar that brought me straight to the MSN website to download the latest version of it. I am horribly impressed! Looks like E-Buddy has ways to go.

Ahha! I was smart enough to save my games before I wiped my computer. So no problem here. I take pride in the fact that my foresight saved me a lot of time downloading or burning games from my friends.

Invisible folder-
You know that invisible folder that I never figure out how to delete? Apparently a hard reset does the job pretty well. Somehow, it just did not feel the same without it, so I made another one.

xw 8:40 AM


huang xuewen
10th June

contract bridge

*July 2009
*August 2009
*September 2009
*October 2009
*November 2009
*December 2009
*January 2010
*February 2010
*March 2010
*Void of nothingness
*July 2010
*August 2010

*tall dude
